

“Never tell lies.”

“Never deviate from honesty.”

“Do not reprimand and despise anyone.”

“Do not mind the business of others.”

“Do not attempt to break a finished job.”

“Make your payments on the time that you have promised.”

“Pay the money of the workers before their sweats dry out.”

“Do not cut money from the job, for which you have bargained, once again during the payment.”

“A word once spoken is past recalling. Do not give up the trade that you have entered into a contract for, even if you incur losses.”

“Be tolerant toward everyone.”

“Always look after your family.”

“Do not leave your spouses, friends, and relatives.”

“Do not turn down anyone who visits you for your help.”

“Know and consider others as you are.”

“Wealth has no limit but awards.”

              “Look after your business, your people, your country, your state, and your flag.”