Great Mobilization from the Rich in Heart 07-Jul-2023
Erdemoğlu Holding ranked 10th in the “50 Turkish Businessmen Rich in Heart” news study prepared every year by Capital Magazine.
İbrahim Erdemoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Erdemoğlu Holding, is among today’s people rich in heart with the advice he received from his father Mehmet Erdemoğlu.
İbrahim Erdemoğlu says, “Our priority is education, health, and the people in need. We consider the 'reward of wealth' in the principle of 'Wealth has no limits but rewards,' which enlightens our horizons, as being able to serve our country, nation, and state better and more. In this context, we, as Erdemoğlu Holding, will continue to stand by and at the command of our beloved nation, with all our material and immaterial means, in situations such as the grievous earthquake that our beloved nation has experienced.”
Capital Magazine
July 2023
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